Hot & Wet Attributes
Fiery charged personalities, who caneasily get irritable. Generally confidentand a good speaker. Prone to red andflushed skin. Reasonable memory.Prone to acidic gut and indigestion.Passionately creative people.
Pitta skin can be sensitive,inflamed easily, prone to rashes, eczemaand acne as well as acidity as theyare bile oriented people.
Need cooling, calming, drying actives.
Prakruti - Genetic Constitution
When the Doshas are balanced according to our Prakruti, they support the body. When not in balance, they cause disease, emotional imbalance and health disorders. Our skin is the best diagnostic tool to determine this imbalance. Due to over-indulgence in food and an unbalanced lifestyle, toxins accumulate resulting in ailments and ultimately ageing.
This Dosha blueprint is also found in all matter including plants.