Consultation - Subtle Energies | Ayurveda Aromatherapy Skincare

What's in Our Products

Discover Ayurveda Aromatherapy

Our Founder


Choose how can we best guide you

Our team and their expertise are available to provide various levels of wellness and skin consultations to better guide your treatment program at home. With over 30 years of clinical history combined with experts in holistic skin science you have the following options to choose from depending on what your needs are.



Skincare Solutions

ind the perfect beauty ritual as our advanced algorithm meticulously analyses the unique attributes, ingredients and features of each product. Discover the products that best match your individual needs



Body Regimen

Explore and analyse your unique body and lifestyle requirements. Take this test to uncover a powerful array of products designed to help with your physical needs and improve your wellbeing.



Dosha Test

Ayurveda Aromatherapy is rooted in the Elements, which manifest as three body types or Doshas. Our Prakruti, an inherited genetic blueprint, comprises these Doshas within us, with some being more dominant than others.
